Tom Cruise Films “Mission Impossible 7” in Rome

Posted on October 07, 2020


Another entry in the “comforting sense that things are returning to normal” column, darlings. But what is “normal” anymore? Who can say? All we know is, it’s kind of nice to see Tom Cruise in a nice suit doing exactly what he was put on this earth to do.







As we said on the twitters this summer, plowing our way through Tom Cruise’s action-movie oeuvre turned out to be a surprisingly comforting way to pass the time. At its best – and the latter Mission Impossible films have been some of the best action movies of the last 25 years – his movies are competence porn; beautiful, charismatic people saving the world by being amazing. We don’t think we’d want to be friends with the guy, but we can’t deny he’s found his niche and he’s better at it than almost anyone else.



[Photo Credit: Ipa/, Roma/IPA/]

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