Just a couple of old friends palling around on the red carpet.
Dame Helen is keeping things low-key (in comparison to her recent drag extravaganza promoting Catherine the Great). Sir Ian is keeping things cute and comfy. We have no critiques. How on earth could we? We’re way too charmed.
That looks DELICIOUS. How great to see a film starring actors well over seventy that’s not about them being old or ineffective. They’re driving all the action and intrigue.
Style Credits:
Ian McKellen: Mr P. Unstructured Cotton-Blend Moleskin Suit Jacket and Tapered Pleated Cotton-Blend Moleskin Suit Trousers
Helen Mirren: Goat ‘Ilchester‘ Bow Neck Midi Glitter Spot Dress| Sandra Cronan Diamond Waterfall Earrings
Styled by Rachel Fanconi
[Photo Credit: Matt Crossick/Pa Images/Instarimages.com, Scott Garfitt/Pa Images/Instarimages.com, goatfashion.com – Video Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures via YouTube.com]
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