Selena Gomez at the ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING Season Four Premiere: IN or OUT?

Posted on August 23, 2024


With one epic style post under our belt and one podcast currently being recorded, we need to tap the Bitter Kittens to take over for us while we regain our bitchery powers. Selena Gomez wore this to the premiere of the fourth season of Only Murders in the Building and we need you to come up with an assessment:







We’ll say this to help you along in your efforts: First, remember that she’s up for an Emmy award and voting is under way. In her line of work, this is a time for a particular kind of self-promotion and we don’t think this look is enough for this moment. Second, it might help you to be reminded that she has a long history of tacky or badly proportioned dresses in her red carpet history. This is not so bad in comparison to a lot of her choices. The simplicity of it works well for her. On the other hand, she’s got bug faces on her feet. You make the call:

Selena Gomez’s Low Key Look: 

IN or OUT? 


Style Credits:
Self-Portrait Black Tinsel Boucle Halter Mini Dress from the Fall 2024 Collection
Styled by Erin Walsh

[Photo Credit: Faye’s Vision/Cover Images, Dave Starbuck/Future Image/Cover Images, Courtesy of Self-Portrait,]

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