Henry Golding at Vanity Fair’s New Hollywood Party

Posted on February 20, 2019


And now, a little bit of Henry to help you get over the hump of your day. So to speak.





We’re glad to see he’s not remaining stuck in that very mid-20th Century vaguely Bondian/Rat Pack style that he’s been working religiously since before Crazy Rich Asians opened. It’s a style to which he’s incredibly well-suited, but that’s a big reason why he needs to retire it for a little while. It’s sort of like Christina Hendricks and pencil skirts. You don’t want to be defined by one retro style just as you’re breaking big. We’d love to see him opting for more of the daring stuff that Rami and Chadwick have been working to such great effect. Unforch, this ain’t it. We’re not loving the shape of the jacket or the pleats in the pants, nor are we keen on the beltless waist and tucked-in sweater. But at least he’s trying something new and besides, most of you aren’t even reading this. Fine. Enjoy the pretty.




[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]

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