Jacquemus Menswear fashion Show Front Row Red Carpet Rundown

Posted on June 27, 2023


Let’s check out the odd little things the stars had to wear in order to sit front row at the Jacquemus menswear show, yes? Yes!



Arón Piper

The puffy boxers look very silly but he looks very hot. Both things can be true.


Claire Foy

It’s got an earthy sort of “classic Euro-movie star” quality to it, but everything looks so… lumpy.


Emily Ratajkowski

Girl, we guess so. It just feels like it’s designed to provoke a reaction, although that could be said about a lot of fashion choices. Whatever. We think it looks like a cliche, but if she wants to wear the fashion equivalent of sexy baby talk, go with God, girl.


Manu Ríos

The proportions are terrible and the puffy boxers remain hilarious, but he remains hot.



Victoria and David Beckham



We’re mostly okay with all of this. Can’t say it doesn’t suit them. We don’t love her footwear and we think the button sits too high on his jacket, but it’s got that stealth luxury vibe that they’re both particularly good at working.



[Photo Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages]

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