Oscars 2020: Margot Robbie in Vintage Chanel Couture: IN or OUT?

Posted on February 10, 2020


We’re afraid we’re not thinking too kindly of this one, kittens. We’re going to need a ruling. It just feels…












Dreary. It’s quite possible we’re reading too much into this, but to us, this looks like the quintessential “I’m not winning an award tonight” ensemble. It’s formal enough, it fulfills her Chanel obligations, and it more or less takes a decent picture. The midnight-blue color is an interesting choice on a night when pale pinks seemed to rule the carpet and we can’t say it doesn’t suit her.

But it all feels so… droopy and, we don’t know… sad somehow. It doesn’t help that she looks desperately overdue for a visit to a hairstylist, even though she paid top dollar for that coif, including the roots. The bows on the “sleeves” are silly, as is the tasseled boob jewel. Seriously, what is it with all the boob tassels?

Anyway, we hate this. We just decided. Convince us otherwise, if you’re so inclined. In other words:

Margot Robbie’s “It’s An Honor To Be Nominated” Dress:

IN or OUT?





Style Credits:
Chanel Strapless Chiffon Bustier Gown with Jewelry Embellishment Detail from the Spring 1994 Couture Collection

Styled by Kate Young | Hair by Bryce Scarlett | Makeup by Pati Dubroff | Nails by Tom Bachik


[Photo Credit: ABC/RICK ROWELL, JENNIFER GRAYLOCK/INSTARimages.com, AdMedia/Media Punch/INSTARimages, David Gabber/PRPhotos.com, davidwebb.com]


Our book “Legendary Children: The First Decade of RuPaul’s Drag Race and the Last Century of Queer Life” comes out on March 3rd and was named one of the Best New Books of 2020 by Cosmopolitan!

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