Lately it seems like our Marion Cotillard posts are more along the lines of OHMIGOD THE FASHION CARNAGE, which, to be fair, is a reaction Mademoiselle earned, what with her succession of fashion fuckery unleashed on the world. Miss Woman definitely prefers the untrod path when it comes to her promo style choices, and we suppose we should give her some credit for that, even if we rarely like the results of late.
But this?
We don’t mind this.
We’re refraining from over-praising it because we’d hate to give the impression that we’d prefer she made middle-of-the-road style choices over cray ones. This is pretty chic, we think, but it’s not exactly out-there. The jacket seems to be a poor choice for the dress. They both wind up a little obscured and hard to delineate. And maybe the thigh-highs were overkill. We don’t LOVE fashion logos plastered all over a look, but we suppose that double-C is so iconic it gets a little more consideration. We’ve tried to talk ourselves into loving this, but we’re pretty firm in our initial assessment. We don’t mind it. How about you?
Marion Cotillard’s Semi-Classic Chanel:
IN or OUT?
Style Credits:
– Chanel Black and White Ensemble
– Gianvito Rossi Boots
Styled by Eliott Bliss | Hair by Perrine Rougemont | Makeup by Christophe Danchaud | Nails by Edwige Llorente
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]
Amber Heard in Claes Iversen Couture at the “Gully” Tribeca Premiere Next Post:
Chanel Tribeca Film Festival Artist Dinner Red Carpet Rundown
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