TWO QUEENS STAND BEFORE YOU. One of the, threading the needle; the other one, making a surprising turn toward the conventional. WHICH QUEEN WILL IT BE? Let’s hear the closing arguments.
T’s Pick: Lady Gaga at the 2019 Oscar Nominees Luncheon in Louis Vuitton
T’s Defense: The more I look at this, the more I love it – and I started off loving it. It gives the illusion of having a clean minimalism to it, which comes off refreshing on Steffi, given her history, but the more you look at it, the more it exhibits the same sense of grandiosity and oddness that defines her style while also being elegantly chic in the manner of Serious Actress drag.
Lo’s Pick: Amandla Stenberg at the HRC Greater New York Gala in Miu Miu
Lo’s Defense: It’s sparkly but low-key somehow. That feels really right for her personality, which seems to bounce back and forth between youthful exuberance and a sort of stateswoman seriousness. It’s got little princessy or ingenue details, like the waist bow and the silver trim, but it doesn’t buy into the Disney fantasy. Just a perfect marriage of design and wearer.
There you have it, kittens! Elegant Thespian vs. Serious Ingenue! Which one’s it gonna be, now that we’ve come up with the absolute worst ways to describe them?
Style Credits:
Lady Gaga: Louis Vuitton White Dress with Button and Piping Detailing | Yvan Tufenkjian Diamond Earrings | Giuseppe Zanotti Booties
Styled by Sandra Amador + Tom Eerebout | Hair by Frederic Aspiras | Makeup by Sarah Nicole Tanno | Nails by Miho Okawara
Amandla Stenberg: Miu Miu Embellished Dress | Jennifer Meyer Diamond Triangle Studs
Styled by Karla Welch | Hair by Lacy Redway | Makeup by Nick Barose
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]
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Friday Leftovers for the Week of February 3rd, 2019
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