Kittens, it’s still cold outside. Please warm yourself by taking in the site of a yummy man in a cozy sweater that we’re supposed to hate but can’t bring ourselves to do so because of the aforementioned yummy coziness.
Yes, it’s a big ol’ turtleneck and we’ve practically made a career out of denouncing them as the garment of Satan. It helps that it’s a really sharp design. Also, that he’s filling out those jeans distractingly well. Also-also: the boots are killer.
What can we say? He’s hot and so’s the look. Are you warmed up yet? Would you like Sebastian to cup your hands in his and gently blow on them for you? Or are you more the “Proposition him and hop in the waiting limo” type? We won’t judge, darling.
Style Credits:
Givenchy Red and Black Turtleneck Sweater, Black Slim Pants and Leather Boots
Styled by John Tan
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages, Courtesy of Givenchy]
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Style File: “Game of Thrones” Star Maisie Williams Has Fun at Paris Fashion Week
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