Ismael Cruz Córdova and Maxim Baldry at THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER Season Two Madrid Photo Call

Posted on August 27, 2024


We are happy to report two things; one, that we have acquired the screeners for the first three episodes of season two of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (all three of which drop on Thursday), so we will be having much to say about them at that time. The second thing we can report is that the show is still full of pretty men who like to wear interesting, if not downright goofy clothes when they’re promoting it. A win all around, we’d say. Case in point:



We did use the phrase “downright goofy,” if you recall.




This is okay. We can tell that the pieces are fine, but the color story doesn’t photograph all that well. The look needed more contrast. If that shirt were in just about any pale or bright color, the whole look would improve tremendously. Also, he should button up a little. You’re not in a ballroom competition, buddy.




We admire the commitment to hiding the hot as much as possible. We’re not allowed to say anything about the first few episodes except that we were struck by how insanely beautiful he can be on camera. Personally, we’d strongly advise him not to work so hard to hide that while he’s out promoting himself. There’s just not a thing we can say in support of this except that it’s bold and unconventional. Then again, a lot of ugly things are.


Style Credits:
Maxim Baldry: Marni Plaid-check Single-breasted Blazer and Matchings Pants
Styled by Luke Jefferson

[Photo Credit: Cordon Press/INSTARimages,]

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