Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern, Zoe Kravitz and Shailene Woodley at HBO’s Big Little Lies Press Conference

Posted on March 07, 2017


Darlings, the cast of T Lo’s latest TV obsession went out on a poledance in highly coordinately outfits, proving once again that God loves us and takes care 0f us. Although if She really loved us, She’d send them out wearing hideosities, so we could have some fun with them.

Anyway, onward. To judgment.




Part of the reason we think this particular set of looks was coordinated is because the color story is so matchy, but also because each actress is dressed in pretty much the perfect day dress for that actress. Maybe it’s coincidence, and a bunch of different stylists hit on a theme, but if so, it’s a nice little bit of synchronicity.

Our point is, this looks cute and it’s pretty much perfect for her. The shoes, on the other hand, make us twitchy. The pink is too focus-pulling.




Proving once again that if you put Nicole Kidman in a color – practically ANY color – she’ll come off looking much better than she does when she’s wearing the washed-out greiges she tends to prefer.

That … blouse (?) would annoy us on most other wearers, but Nicole can pull of some mild fussiness. We like the play between the top and the skirt.




Miss Laura’s wearing a dress that couldn’t suit her better – except someone had to go and ruin it by putting studded leather straps all over it in a fit of BDSM mania. It’s a shame, because it really looks great on her, but that detail is distracting.

Zoe’s the only one wearing a dress that’s not blue and not quite her boho style, but it’s doing right by her, we have to say. She can work that somewhat unworkable color and the crispness of the look is a nice surprise. The earrings are killer.




And finally there’s Miss Shailene, giving us the kind of awkward, haphazard styling we’ve come to expect. The dress isn’t really to our tastes, but we can’t deny that it suits her. If we had to make a change, we’d keep the dress and find her an eazy, breezy, natural pair of flat sandals to wear with it. They’re more her bag and they’d look a lot better than those things she’s sporting.


[Photo Credit: MUNAWAR HOSAIN /]

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