Chris Pratt at a Local Donation Center in LA

Posted on August 08, 2014

Here is your Recommended Daily Allowance of Pratt.

Chris-Pratt-GOTS-CDPBH-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO-(6)Pin“Guardians of the Galaxy” actor Chris Pratt brings boxes and suitcases to a local donation center in Los Angeles in Citizen of Humanity jeans.


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Okay, he’s hot; he’s adorable; he’s charming. He’s everyone’s imaginary boyfriend of the moment. No arguments there. But come ON. This is one cringe-worthy photo op. “I’ll just wear this tight, flimsy t-shirt – and Citizens of Humanity Jeans! The Choice of Celebritykind! – as I donate a stroller to poor people, while my movie happens to be the Number One in America at the moment and every waking minute of my day has me doing something to promote it. Waitaminnit…photographers?!? HERE? AT MY LOCAL DONATION CENTER?!?”

We love you, Chris, but you’ve got to learn to say no to the sillier stuff your publicist comes up with.  This is pure #BeMeOrDoMe Bingo, straight out of the chapter on using charities to further your career. You’re better than this, Chris.




[Photo Credit: Sam Sharma, PacificCoastNews]

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