Miley Cyrus at SNL Rehearsal in Vivienne Westwood and John Galliano

Posted on May 07, 2021


Miley Cyrus is the musical guest on tomorrow’s Saturday Night Live; the much-discussed (and hopefully barely watched) episode with Elon Musk as the main guest host. She’s a pro who knows the value of a press cycle, so she’s been maximizing her attention by dressing for rehearsals in pretty much the high-fashion standard for rock stars: Galliano and Westwood. This might sound a little backhanded, but she’s very good at ticking off all the boxes expected of the image she tries to maintain. This is High Glam Rocker Chick realness; to the point that it almost comes off like costumes for a character in a movie or a version of Barbie with a bit more of an edge to her.






We honestly can’t tell if she’s in on the joke here or if she doesn’t see this as one massive cliche. We tend to think she’s too savvy not to realize she’s wearing a costume, though. And we’re not saying it’s a bad look; just one that feels a lot more studied than it’s trying to convey.






This is a little more unexpected, but it’s definitely got that Patricia Field-esque “I’m a New York Girl” feel. Give a her a big fabric flower and she’s Carrie Bradshaw circa 2001. Again: not a bad thing – and in this case, a more understandable turn, since two-decade-old looks are always on schedule for a current revamp in the world of fashion. The mullet obviously gives it a totally different feel. The bag is kind of hiddy, though.



[Photo Credit: ROGER WONG/, Janet Mayer/]

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