In which the Duchess of Cambridge commits the three Ps of fashion, all at the same time. You might want to prepare yourselves for this one. Unless you’re sitting there going “What the hell are the three Ps of fashion?” In which case, may we elucidate by presenting to you Mrs. Cathy:
In plaid, pants and purple – all at the same time. Goodness. So much personality in this look, kittens! This is the royal fashion equivalent of breaking out in a huge, honking guffaw in public.
We exaggerate (slightly). She’s worn all of these elements before, of course. It does feel – like several other royal outfits of late – like she’s freshened her approach up just a smidge. People love to say it’s because of her sister-in-law (and to be fair, we think we may have fallen into that trap once or twice), but she’s a woman in her late thirties with three kids, who’s a decade into her career as a royal and she knows she’s very good at her job. She’s actually right on schedule for doing a little fashion refresh.
But real talk? The proportions are off. The slightly cropped pants (where that hem hits is a really odd choice) paired with the rather small jacket give the impression that everything shrunk in the wash.
Style Credits:
– Smythe Grey Two-Button Blazer
– Joseph Burgundy Trousers
[Photo Credit: Yui Mok/Pa Images/, Pa Images/, Doug Peters/Pa Images/]
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