Miss Charlize has been all over the style map of late – and we love to see it, even if the results aren’t always great. At the very least, they’re always discussable. And sometimes, that is the entire point of a red carpet look. You can pretty it up in all sorts of ideas of branding and P.R., but at the end of the day, a good red carpet look fairly screams “LOOK AT ME DAMMIT!”
For instance:
That is…
Well, it’s something, alright. Miss C did not come gentle into that good night. She came loud and a little scary. And hey, we love big, obnoxious fashion. In fact, we’d say the top half of this look, including the hair, is just about perfect. But boy, do things really start going south from the waist down. Still, we think this one’s worth batting about for a bit. She’s clearly not feeling the need to be anyone’s pretty little movie star and as we said, there’s a lot to love about women taking up space, so to speak, with their style choices.
Or maybe that skirt is a horrorshow that ruins the look. Who’s to say? You, of course:
Charlize Theron’s Big Fashion Flex:
IN or OUT?
Style Credits:
Louis Vuitton Ensemble from the Resort Collection
Styled by Leslie Fremar
[Photo Credit: Sara De Boer/startraksphoto.com, Hahn Lionel/ABACA/INSTARimages.com, Courtesy of Louis Vuitton]
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Lupita Nyong’o in Michael Kors Collection at “Good Morning America”
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