Miss Sarah Jessica is here to do a little reluctant sidewalk modeling and product hawking this morning. Let’s all give her our attention.
It occurs to us that we haven’t really been using our “Celebrity” category much of late. We want to say it’s because there’s been a lack of good celebrity sidewalk shots lately – which is partially true. There are lots of sidewalk-modeling celebrities still doing the work every day, but we’re just not seeing the likes of Reese’s and Taylor’s glory days of empty purse-swinging. The art has gone out of it, we’re sorry to say. It feels like most of the A-listers have exited the arena. Maybe there just wasn’t enough money in it.
Regardless, here’s SJP, doing her thang. And by “thang” we mean “wearing a hodge-podge of items.” Nothing really goes with anything else, but that’s kind of her brand ever since the Carrie days.
Style Credits:
– Ray-Ban ‘Wings‘ Sunglasses
– SJP by Sarah Jessica Parker ‘Celine’ Block Heel Mary Jane Pump
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages, sjpbysarahjessicaparker.com, ray-ban.com]
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