Miss Jenny From the Block, you will have to pardon our crude phrasing here, but just what in the hell do you call this fuckery, diva?
Did you kill and skin an animal that was threatening you inside that office building, dear? Because that would be the only explanation we’d accept for this … this … area rug.
What is the point of a sleeveless fur duster with not closures? It’s not keeping you warm – which you wouldn’t have needed this week anyway. And it’s not making your outfit more fabulous, because it’s so rough that it looks only about halfway finished. You’re just hanging fur off your frame like you’re one of Ned Stark’s kids.
And don’t think you managed to distract from that paper bag waist and those 2010 shoes, girl. We see you. We see all of you.
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]
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