Pop Style Opinionfest: Probing Katya Zamolodchikova

Posted on March 29, 2019



That’s right, kittens! We dialed up our good pal Katya and just chatted away like it was nothing! Okay, actually, she’s such a busy-ass bitch that it too months to set up – but we don’t blame a hard-working gal for that! She’s a trip and a delight no matter what she’s talking about, but somehow, we managed to pin her down (verbally) and get her to tell us all about her comedy tour “Help Me I’m Dying,” and a bit about her hilarious World of Wonder series UNHhhh with Trixie Mattel, which has become a must-see of pointlessly funny commentary on a range of topics:



Also, we get her to give us her thoughts on the season 11 queens and a little tea on the legendary “Read U Wrote U” number for All-Stars 2:



Only the greatest musical number in Drag Race herstory, is all.  We’ll tell you what: If this book we’re writing about Drag Race comes with a book tour? We’re wearing Katya t-shirts.




But before we get to all the bawdy draggy nonsense, we also gave our further thoughts on this week’s Project Runway and Drag Race episodes. It’s a massive kaffeeklatsch of reality TV drama, darlings! Would you have us any other way?

Thank you for listening!

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[Photo Credit: http://www.welovekatya.com – Video Credit: WOWPresents via YouTube.com]


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