You guys, the pop culture and fashion landscapes have tumbleweeds blowing through them at the moment. There is simply nothing worth opinionating over. Pity us, because we’re feeling all backed up. For us, loudly declaring one’s opinion isn’t just a hobby, it’s our career, darlings. We’re starting to break out.
In order to tide us all over through this difficult time, have yourselves a merry little slab of man flesh:
Still of Armie Hammer, Henry Cavill and Alicia Vikander in “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.” directed by Guy Ritchie.
Mankind did not evolve thighs like that until at least 1990. That’s totally historically inaccurate.
Some guys really can make a turtleneck work, can’t they? You’re probably not one of them. Best to leave it to the .001%, like Armie here.
[Photo Credit: Daniel Smith/Warner Bros]
Doctor Who: Last Christmas Next Post:
Downton Abbey: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
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