The entertainment industry’s happiest couple is at it again! Jennifer Lopez and her sunny, bubbly, lights-up-a-room husband, Marc Anthony attended The Samsung Hope For Children Gala.
Jennifer Lopez is wearing a Temperley dress paired with Louboutin shoes.
Temperley London Fall 2011 Collection/Model: Gwen Loos
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HE: Annoys us to no end. What’s the point in showing up to a children’s benefit if you’re going to scowl like a mafioso in all the pictures? Once again, he looks like a kid wearing his big brother’s suit. It’s not a bad suit and normally the fact that it’s too big on him wouldn’t cause us to take so many points off, but his perma-scowl is pissing us off and making him unpleasant to look at, so… Score: 4/10. Lighten the fuck up, dude.
SHE: Is wearing a bridesmaid dress from a wedding in February 1995. What is it with these two and fit? His clothes are always too big and hers are always a size too small. Is body dysmorphic disorder running rampant in the Lopez-Anthony household? Do they not own mirrors? Is everyone around them afraid to say, “Your clothes don’t fit you?” We do not fear the Lopez-Anthonys. We are just the queens to say “Crack a goddamn smile and put something on that fits you, bitches.” Style-wise, this isn’t thrilling us but that’s just a taste thing. It’s not a bad dress, but it doesn’t excite. Still, that’s not a crime, considering they’re at a benefit and not an awards gala or movie premiere. Diva style would have been inappropriate, so this is J Lo’s version of demure. But we have to take some points off for fit and maybe a point off for the bridal/prom factor and also the uninspired accessories. Score: 6/10.
Combined Score: 5/10, which seems about right to us.
[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage,]
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