Another quick rundown for you, dolls. This time, it’s the 22nd Annual MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto, Canada and all the stars in heaven mostly avoided it, leaving these folks to pick up the slack:
Ronald Abdala Spring 2010 Collection
We like the fabric blocking in the bodice, but removing the straps seems to have left her with not much support up top. We really don’t like the skirt at all and the high waist looks particularly bad on her.
Kristian Aadnevik Fall 2011 Collection
This is an interesting concept for a dress and we love the color, but all the straps sticking out all over look ridiculous.
George Chakra Couture Fall 2011 Collection
Looks like a balloon you buy in a hospital gift shop. Cute dress, but it looks like it should have “GET WELL SOON” in some horrible font emblazoned across the front.
Burberry Prorsum Spring 2011 Collection
Dress too small; hair too big. Result: curly lollipop. And while we support in theory the “pop of color” rule with accessories, those shoes are a bit too focus-pulling.
[Photo Credit: Getty,,,]
Suave Boys at the Versace Menswear Show Next Post:
Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2012 Menswear Collection
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