An ambitious young dancer Terry Gionoffrio (Julia Garner, Ozark) dreams of fame and fortune in New York City, but after suffering a devastating injury, an older, wealthy couple (Dianne Wiest, I Care a Lot, and Kevin McNally, Pirates of the Caribbean film series) welcomes her into their home in the luxury apartment building the Bramford. When fellow resident and influential Broadway producer (Jim Sturgess, Across the Universe) offers her another chance at fame, it seems that all her dreams are finally coming true. However, after an evening she can’t fully remember, disturbing circumstances soon have her second-guessing the sacrifices she’s willing to make for her career as she realizes that something evil is living not only in Apartment 7A, but in the Bramford itself. Additional supporting cast includes Marli Siu (Everything I Know About Love), Andrew Buchan (All the Money in the World), Rosy McEwen (Blue Jean) and Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (Wonka).
CAST: Julia Garner, Dianne Wiest, Jim Sturgess, Kevin McNally, Marli Siu, Andrew Buchan, Rosy McEwen, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith
DIRECTED BY: Natalie Erika James
EXECUTIVE PRODUCED BY: Vicki Dee Rock, Alexa Ginsburg
SCREENPLAY BY: Natalie Erika James & Christian White and Skylar James
BASED ON: The novel “Rosemary’s Baby” by Ira Levin
Apartment 7A is streaming on Paramount+ on September 27.
[Photo Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Paramount+, Courtesy of Paramount+ – Video Credit: Paramount Plus/YouTube]
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