Julia Fox at the Room to Grow Gala 2023

Posted on October 26, 2023


Actress, authoress, and all-around famous person Julia Fox attended the 25th anniversary gala for Room to Grow, the Uma Thurman-led charity that provides support to families of young children. You may be pleased to hear that she dressed in a disgracefully inappropriate manner for the occasion.






Did we lie? No. Nothing says “early childhood development” like a dress that says “look at my poon.” Are we mad at it? Also no. She’s a very silly person and she’s made it her mission to routinely deliver the kind of attention-seeking fashion that made the golden age of celebrity blogging so much fun. She’s a throwback to a tackier time, when celebrities had far fewer contracts with luxury good manufacturers and couture houses and usually wore whatever they could get for free and would guarantee some pictures. This is an utterly horrifying dress and while we’ll never bring ourselves to admit that we love it, we can say that we laughed in delight when we first saw it.


[Photo Credit: Janet Mayer/startraksphoto.com]

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