Hey, remember that tacky-ass Mugler capsule collection from H&M we showed you a couple of weeks ago? Well, they got a bunch of stars to wear the stuff in public and you’ll never believe it: they all look tacky as hell!
Charli XCX
But y’know… there’s bad tacky but there’s also good tacky. Fun, sexy, outrageous tacky. We wouldn’t really claim this one to be fun or outrageous, but she’s doing about as well with it as a girl can do. That shoe design is heinous.
Chloë Sevigny
Trust The Sevigny to figure out how to make this wackadoo look chic. We hate the chain, but the jacket design is kind of cool. The seamed tights are hot.
Lourdes Leon
Oof. While her mama may look on this with an approving eye, we think it’s just plain ugly.
Pamela Anderson
Attagirl. She’s had her fill of tacky. She made this look chic as hell.
[Photo Credit: Janet Mayer/startraksphoto.com]
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