HBO’s WHITE HOUSE PLUMBERS New York Premiere Red Carpet Rundown

Posted on April 18, 2023


The stars of the upcoming White House Plumbers mini-series hit the red carpet for the premiere, eager to remind everyone that they look much better when you get them out of Nixon-era clothing styles. Speaking of which, we really hope the current Nixon madness abates soon, because we’re not sure how many more of these mini-series about Watergate we can take. We get it. It’s a quaint sort of semi-treasonous presidential scandal, as opposed to all of the earth-shaking ones we’re living through now. It almost feels safe and cozy to return to something no more consequential than a break-in and some dirty tricks. But enough seriousness. Let’s get frivolous.


Domhnall Gleeson


An attempt was made. A piss-poor one, to be sure, but he is at least wearing clothing acceptable for this time and place in history. Too bad he doesn’t own a brush.


James Marsden


He rests on pretty too much. It feels like his public style has gotten more conservatively generic over the last few years. The socks are terrible. Your eyes go straight to his feet.



Judy Greer


Meh. It’s fine, but the cut is a little Hillary-esque and the textile is too shiny. Plus the color story is dull.


Kiernan Shipka in Oscar de la Renta


You can always trust our imaginary niece to show up red carpet-ready. This is a really cute, well-coordinated look that doesn’t try too hard but delivers a lot.



Lena Headey


Love the boots, loathe the frock.



Woody Harrelson


Considering he once showed up to a red carpet in literal pajamas, we consider this a win. Granted, it looks more appropriate for an 85-year-old, but at least it’s got some interest to it.



Zoe Levin


The dress is relatively simple, but it delivers the impact she wants. The shoes are not terrible, but they don’t really go with it, in our opinion. A metallic sandal without the platform would have been our recommendation.



[Photo Credit: Roger Wong/INSTARimages, M10s/TheNews2/Cover Images – Video Credit: HBO/YouTube]

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