Cannes red carpets tend to be chaotic affairs in any case, but you can always tell when the film in question comes pre-loaded with truckloads of buzz. Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis Presley biopic brought the cast and a whole bunch of supporting and curious stars out for the premiere and after-party. We’re combining our coverage of the events because it was the only way we could get full pictures of some of these ensembles, what with the stars all hopping around and posing en masse like a wedding party.
Alton Mason in Pressiat
Just based on his physicality and this ensemble, we could have told you he plays Little Richard in the film without having to look it up. That’s good casting, but also good styling/branding on his part. That suit is amazing. We don’t quite think the boots go, but they sure do read Little Richard.
Austin Butler in Celine
Can’t really argue with any of that. This is his star moment and he’s dressed for it. The Elvis-like boots are a nice touch.
Kylie Minogue in Versace
She is akin to a sainted figure for the gays, so it pains us to note that this is a terrible dress design. It’s actually to her enormous credit that it doesn’t look like a disaster.
Noomi Rapace in Dries Van Noten
Honey, you totally had us until we got to the dishwashing gloves.
Olivia DeJonge
The film’s Priscilla wore two looks, as one would expect from the Priscilla of a film called Elvis. We’re showing you the after-party look first because we don’t like it. We could never sign off on that irritating hem.
Olivia DeJonge in Gucci
This, on the other hand, is glorious. The color’s a bit too bathroomy for our tastes (and we’re not convinced it’s the best color for her), but the drama is off the scale, as one would expect from a Priscilla. Speaking of which…
Priscilla Presley
The queen herself was holding court because she’s fully supportive of the film and she’s been doing press for it all week. From what we can see of it, the dress is nice; just glam enough without being overwhelming.
Rebecca Hall in Chanel Couture
Oof. A rare miss from Miss Rebecca. The tiers an hem length are awkward, but she worsened the effect with those mumsy, focus-pulling shoes.
Shakira in Mônot
It’s giving goth Jessica Rabbit, which isn’t a terrible thing, but is she wearing nude hose? Because that would be a terrible thing.
Sharon Stone in Dolce & Gabbana
We really don’t like this dress. The color is harsh, the textile looks cheap, and we hate the trim along the bustline in combination with those awkward straps. D&G not sending their best with this one. The sandals look pretty awful too. Sharon, take a night off, hon. You’re better than this.
Tom Hanks in Tom Ford
Mr. Hanks has the style and bearing of a man who’s been a star for a long time and knows what that entails. He looks great.
[Photo Credit: Julien Reynaud/ABACA/INSTARimages, ABACA/, Doug Peters/PA Images/, PA Images/, IPA/]
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