Drew Barrymore Hangs Out with a Giant Chicken

Posted on January 11, 2022


It’s possible you need to be looking at pictures of human joy factory Drew Barrymore out on the street with a giant chicken. We can’t claim to know your life, but given how stressful and scary the world can be right now, who’s to say a little Drew + Chicken content isn’t exactly the balm to soothe you and distract you?









We bet you feel better already. Looks like Drew is being a responsible friend and making sure her tipsy chicken friend got home safely after indulging too much at lunchtime. That Drew. You can always rely on her. In other news, we’re loving the coat and sweater vest; not so much on the pants. But even we have to admit the fashion isn’t the point here. No, the point of these pictures couldn’t be simpler or more obvious:


Drew Barrymore and a giant chicken. That’s the point. And if you forgot whatever was stressing you a minute ago, you can thank the both of them for doing their jobs so well.

“Tipsy Chicken Friend” would be a great name for a band, a drag queen, or a fast food franchise. We’re putting it out in the world for free.


[Photo Credit: BauerGriffin/INSTARimages.com]

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