Go on, girl. WERQ that utterly ridiculous dress. If you’re not embracing the ridiculous by this point in 2020, may we suggest you consider doing so? Girlfriend’s got the right idea.
That is high drag fabulousness. She posted these on Instagram ostensibly to celebrate the success of her last album and to promote her next one, but we think it’s best to take these shots as a call to arms. Let’s all put on our gigantic balloon gowns and twirl around without a care in the world. Figuratively speaking, of course. We’re just saying. These shots are like joy in dress form. It may not be haute elegance in the preferred mode, but it sure looks fun. Right now, we’ll take ELEGANZA over elegance any day of the week.
Style Credits:
Miss Sohee ‘Peony’ Gown
Styled by Bradley Kenneth | Hair by Cervando Maldonado | Makeup by Janice Daoud
[Vijat M via Myley Cyrus/Instagram, missohee.com]
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