In which Jake Gyllenhaal suddenly achieves Daddy status.
And we mean that in the “Just dropping these two kids off at the school dance” sense, going by the fashion choices here.
There are, of course, no complaints to be voiced here. Not from us, anyway. We love this. It’s smart and sharp, with some flair and romance to it and a vaguely kickass sort of feel. It’s not the normal “superhero’s love interest” promo style and for that, she’s to be commended. Also: her hair looks amazing.
Dude, what? Come on, now. The only thing that’s saving you here is that jacket, which does look pretty sweet, we have to admit. But an undershirt, Gyllenhaal? With dress pants? You’re way too fine to be working the Divorced Dad look.
Geez. Lighten up, Spider-Man. Why so serious?
The ensemble’s nice – especially the jacket (there’s some good jacketry going on with these three, at least) – but we don’t think the untucked striped shirt works with the brown suede jacket. Tucking it in might have seemed too formal or stuffy, but it’s unnecessarily sloppy and focus-pulling as-is, and that’s no better.
Is it us, or is there a distinct feeling of post-Endgame Marvel burnout in terms of the anticipation for this film?
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages – Video Credit: Sony Pictures Entertainment via]
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