Chilly temperatures are stubbornly holding on in our neck of the woods, so it seems fitting to check in on the most retro-stylish show on television since Mad Men left the air just to get ourselves some good Mid-Century Coat Porn action.
Absolutely gorgeous. Rachel, we can tell you right now, you are definitely going to have a tough time transitioning away from these period looks when you’re ready to move on from this role. Just ask January Jones or Christina Hendricks. Still, rock it while you can, girl. You definitely have the knack for it.
And just to show what happens to a stunning mid-Century lewk when you switch the outerwear for something a little more 2019-appropriate:
Yes, it ruins the effect, but at least you get a better look at the dress, which is gorgeous. Too bad we lost patience with this show just a handful of episodes into the second season. Much as we enjoyed the first season of the show, we are simply not the audience for Amy Sherman-Palladino’s level of tweeness.
[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]
Olivia Munn in Peter Pilotto at the 27th Apex For Youth Inspiration Awards Gala Next Post:
Jessica Chastain in Ralph Lauren at “The Today Show”
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