RED CARPET SHOWDOWN OF THE WEEK: Timothée Chalamet vs. Elsie Fisher

Posted on January 18, 2019


Or not, as the case may be. For this week’s showdown, we opted to pit two of the freshest and youngest of the red carpet up-and-comers as they show us how the next century of suiting might wind up looking. It’s an all-fresh, all-modern, all-young style showdown this week. Let’s all try not to be too bitter about it.



Lo’s Pick: Timothée Chalamet at the Critics’ Choice Awards in Alexander McQueen



Lo’s Defense: When it comes to suiting, this guy rarely gets it wrong. It’s always fresh, interesting, and unique. And he always knows the right time to pair a suit with some killer kicks – which is likely to become much more of a standard look in the decades to come as Millennials and Gen-Z rise in their influence on the culture. Everything about this look is on point and forward-looking. And he looks stunning. 



T’s Pick: Elsie Fisher at the Critics’ Choice Awards in Thom Browne



T’s Defense: This is less about predicting which way women’s fashion is going to go and more about celebrating a young woman with an amazingly strong sense of herself and the ability to tune out the pressures of her role and gender. There is no doubt that Miss Elsie loves herself some fashion, but there’s also no question that she’s expressing herself and not the whims of trends. This manages to be absolutely adorable and drop-dead chic at the same time. It’s perfect. 


There you have it, kittens! Which side of THE YOUTH will win? Which version of next-level suiting appeals to you most?

Who won the red carpet showdown for the week of January 13th, 2019?

Timothée Chalamet in Alexander McQueen
Elsie Fisher in Thom Browne


Style Credits:
Timothée Chalamet: Alexander McQueen Multicolored Graphic Suit

Elsie Fisher: Thom Browne Black and White Ensemble with Bow Detail from the Pre-Fall 2019 Collection | Amanda Pearl Jewelry | Thom Browne Bag | Thom Browne Shoes
Styled by Mary Inacio | Hair by Brian Fisher | Makeup by Kristin Hilton

[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]

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