Let’s All Squee Over the New “Doctor Who” Trailer

Posted on September 20, 2018


We don’t know about you guys, but for some reason, we’re primed, ready and eager for a smart, kickass woman to take over the running of everything.

Also, there’s a new Doctor Who trailer!





And we have thoughts, of course.












Not too many thoughts, because this is just barely more than a teaser. Still, with the full admission that we may be reading too much into it, there seems to be a refreshingly straightforward adventure feel, which the franchise has sorely needed after what seemed like decades of show runner Steven Moffat’s up-his-own-arse fairy tale recreations and byzantine time travel puzzle stories. It remains to be seen if Broadchurch showrunner Chris Chibnall will revitalize the Who concept as much as it’s needed, but right now, all systems look like they’re go. Jodie Whittaker, from what little we can see, brings exactly the kind of breezy, common-sensical sort of approach to the Doctor that we’d hoped to see after years of watching the character torture itself in a never-ending representation of one man’s midlife crisis (and serious issues with women).

And we’re absolutely nuts about the costume, which tips its hat to the character’s more whimsical aspects but feels modern and freshened up at the same time. We’re really looking forward to this.


[Photo Credit: BBC America via YouTube.com]

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