Oh, Miss Olivia; we do think we might be falling a little in love with you.
Olivia Wilde attends the UK premiere of “Cowboys & Aliens” in Gucci.
Gucci Fall 2011 Collection/Model: Lindsay Ellingson
Because you not only give us so much to talk about when you hit that red carpet, but you also, quite obviously, took our last words to you to heart:
“Truth be told, we think she shouldn’t outline her eyes so heavily and she should get away from the up ‘dos.”
So you let your hair down and didn’t outline your eyes like a depressed King Tut. And look! Look how sexy and soft and glamorous you look, darling! This is why, no matter how much money you pay other queens to pick out your clothes and do your hair and makeup, it’s always best to get advice from queens who aren’t on the payroll; namely, us. Because girl, you are giving some SERIOUS face there.
As for the dress, we really love it and we really love her for bringing a pussy bow to the red carpet. It’s a shame it’s not holding up well in the wind. When we posted a shot of this look on the twitter and the Facebook, we heard a lot of shrieking about side boob, but despite what a lot of bitchy fashion bloggers say, side boob isn’t actually a faux pas if it’s built into the design and the wearer has the kind of side boob to rock a side boob look. We imagine we’re going to be standing alone on this one, but we think she looks stunning. It’s a unique, up-to-the-minute stylish, head-turning look. What else do you want for the red carpet?
IN! Rock out with your pussy bow out!
OUT! Slutty Nun.
Garcelle Beauvais’ admirable attempt at Crayola chic failed in the eyes of the Bitter Kittens, who voted her look OUT.
[Photo Credit: PRPhotos.com, style.com]
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