For our money, the main reason to watch The Rachel Zoe Project (aside from the clothes) is to see what her assistant Brad will be wearing and saying each episode. He’s adorable, stylish, and funny, and he has a true fashionista’s love of all things fashion. Nothing drove that point home more than when he met John Galliano in Paris with Rachel. So in awe was he that you would have thought Christ came down from heaven and kissed him on the forehead. And if you saw last night’s finale, you know that he has the cutest little ass on TV.
Hi Brad, we’ve been reading your Twitter. You’re a busy boy, aren’t you?
[Laughs] I am very busy. I’m a little out of breath right now because I forgot that I had a ten-o’clock call and I was just dancing and lip-synching “Dress You Up” by Madonna for Jordan, she was really enjoying it.
Let’s start with your background. You interned for Vogue and W magazine, right?
Yes, that’s correct. In college I set my sights on both of those magazines and had amazingly incredible experiences at both.
You have this attitude that fashion is supposed to be fun. How did you keep up with all the stress and tension around you?
I think it’s because there is so much tension and stress that if you give into it, then it becomes less fun. I basically try to live my life like that. Everything should be kind of fun and happy. Sometimes it’s appreciated, sometimes it’s not. My whole family is the same way. My dad always got through everything with humor, talking to random people in the grocery stores…when I was a little kid, I’d be like, “Oh my God, please stop talking to strangers,” but now I’ve morphed completely into him, I talk to everybody. Rachel is very receptive to it, Taylor is coming around.
You kind of share the spotlight with Rachel on the show. Were you expecting that much attention?
I don’t know, Rachel and I are very similar and we love being together, we love fashion in the same kind of way, we just complement each other. We have a really good time and I’m glad people get to see that side of her, really fun to work for. She does have very high expectations, but they’re always attainable. She expects the best from us and she knows that she’ll get the best from us. I’m very lucky to work for her.
How is it having cameras all over the place 24/7? To us it’s a show, but to you at the end of the day it’s still your workplace.
I think that’s where the line gets a little blurry. I think because it is a show, what people see, sometimes they forget that that’s actually our jobs. We just show up and do our daily things and that is captured on camera. Sometimes what’s captured on camera, later on you’re saying “Oh my God, I can’t believe that is going to be on TV.” After a while, they just become phantoms and we just do our jobs.
How is it for you meeting all those designers, going to all those fashion shows? It must be a dream come true for you.
Oh yeah, growing up in Canada, being eleven years old and buying Vogue at the grocery store in a small town is not very common for a little boy to be doing. To actually have that dream come true, it’s amazing. I’m lucky that Rachel is so generous to take me to all those places with her and introduce me my idols. It’s a big kick for her, but it’s even a bigger kick for me.
Yeah, now you’re friends with Marc Jacobs’ boyfriend, Lorenzo…
It’s a very small world, you see the same people at the shows and they become your friends along the way, which it’s been really fun.
Do you have a male fashion icon?
I love the way Tom Ford dresses, also, my friends inspire me all the time, I have very creative friends.
What about female icons?
Oh yeah, Madonna…I grew up watching her going from the knitted gloves and calf-length tights to couture. She’s the top of the heap for me.
You have a very interesting look; it’s your signature look actually. Where do you shop?
Band of Outsiders is actually one of my favorite designers, I wear so much of their stuff, I love Thom Browne, Tom Ford, Ralph Lauren…I mean, my whole thing is very high low. I’m a big sales shopper, I do not buy retail, I think it’s a crime. I mix a lot of forty-dollar polos with my Levi’s. I invest a lot of money on shoes. I think as accessories, shoes are very important. Especially for man, a guy can wear a white Oxford, but if you add a forty-dollar bow tie to it, a pair of glasses, a great pair of shoes and jeans, you’re done.
You don’t seem to be fazed by trends, you have your own look. It must be hard, working in the fashion industry, to not to be too influenced by trends and to stick to your own style.
It can be, but my looks have always been…I just like looking together, I like looking nice, I’ve always been preppy. At third grade, I would only wear Benetton, Ralph Lauren, and Esprit. That was just my thing. I like looking put together, even if we don’t have fittings in the office, it’s just our group in the studio, I still like putting on outfits.
How’s your relationship with Taylor these days? It seems like there’s always some shit going on with you two.
[Laughs] Always. We work in a very intimate environment, it’s just the two of us and now Jordan, sometimes it’s too close for comfort, but our relationship has also evolved, it’s a lot beyond that where we’re actually a team now. With the three of us, it’s always three is a crowd, we’re never all in synch and that’s where a lot of the drama comes from this season.
It’s nice to see you’re always there for Rachel, with the tabloids, her weight and all that. You’re like her comic relief.
Aside from being her assistant…well, actually part of being her assistant is to make sure that she’s OK. We spend a lot of time together, so I know a lot of what’s going on with her and my way of making people feel better is distracting them from the situation or make them able to laugh at it.
Has the business grown with the show?
We’re just as busy as always. Ever since I started here, I hit the ground running and we haven’t stopped. The level of business is always the same, but it’s actually busier now because Rachel has her whole line of products coming out on QVC and a ton of other things in the works.
Best and worst part of the job.
Best part of the job is seeing Taylor every day [laughs], worst part of the job is when I don’t see Rachel every day.
Thanks, Brad!
[Photos: Images]
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