Revenge: Collusion

Posted on January 23, 2013

Okay, Revenge-o-philes. You may all settle down now and stop leaving pouty comments or sending demanding emails. We finally got a chance to get caught up with the show. It’s not that we lost interest, which is what many of you seemed to Pinassume. We got a new TV and DVR/cable box, and forgot to update the DVR to record the show. Now calm yourselves. To be honest, we were a bit surprised so many people asked about it, because we didn’t think the show was inspiring that kind of response anymore.

Anyway. Onwards.

Judging by reviews and online reaction, we think this season has not been as warmly received by the audience as last season was. The show, as many people noted right at the start of it, had an inherent problem. It was set up to tell only one story and it’s not the kind of story that necessarily lends itself to episodic series television. Sure, a revenge plot can be stretched out over years, if you set it up correctly, but Emily Thorne had a finite (and relatively small) number of people she needed to X out with her red Sharpie. Everyone wondered how the show was going to sustain itself once the red Xs started piling up. Well, now we know; a hidden secret group, controlling the strings from behind the stage. It’s not the worst idea in the world, but we groaned just a little at the cliche. Worse, the show moved away from the slight camp of Hamptons socializing and dug itself a trench in the world of big business. Again; not the worst idea in the world, but so much of this season has been taken up with rapid-fire, intense dialogue about things it seems most of the audience either can’t quite follow or isn’t quite interested in. After all this time, we still can’t tell you what the hell went on with Daniel’s ascension and the buyout of Nolan’s company. But – wonder of wonders – with thPinis last episode, we finally have an understanding of the bigger picture. The Initiative bought Nolcorp because of some sort of disaster app called “Carrion,” which was developed by Nolan back in the day. They plan to cause some sort of disaster and, with the company they were all scrambling to buy out from that gorgeous black lady with the fabulous hair (sorry; too many new faces lately) rake in the bucks from the cleanup. This seems a little Lex Luthor for a show like this, but then again, we’re the ones who dubbed Emily “Hamptons Batman,” so we suppose we’re kind of excited that the show is transitioning from night-time soap camp fest to “save the world” campfest. This could actually be kind of fun.

And “fun” is appropriate to use here, because this episode was just plain that. There was a bit of a sparkle and crackle to the scenes, as if the writers have finally sloughed off all that business drama and can now get down to the ass-kickings. We’ll see on that front, but for the first time in a couple months, we’re hopeful about the direction of the show.

Random thoughts:

  • Nolan has the worst taste in partners, male or female.
  • Ashley’s back on top and being a bitch to Victoria. “Spoken like a woman that no one’s sleeping with.” LOVE. MORE, PLEASE.
  • Conrad came in, waved some money around, and essentially solved all of Jack’s problems, seemingly. If this holds, then we’re convinced the writers did a 180 after they realized what a nonstarter this plotline is. But Other Brother isn’t happy with the deal and suddenly Conrad’s interested in redeveloping the waterfront. Wasn’t he running for governor about 3 minutes ago? Wouldn’t slapping a bunch of casinos on the waterfront pretty much ruin his social standing in the Hamptons?
  • Victoria and Emily as allies, Emily saving Victoria’s life from Aiden. These are incredibly unlikely developments, but credit where it’s due,the writers are mostly making it work logically. We just love that Emily and Victoria are openly hateful toward each other now. “You selfish little girl!” MORE, PLEASE.
  • It’s interesting that Initiative Helen has absolutely no idea about Emily. The problem now is that Aiden isn’t exactly Emily’s staunchest ally at the moment, since he blames her for his sister’s death.
  • “Do it and I’ll buy you a house.” MORE, PLEASE.


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