Pop Style Opinionfest: Trans Erasure, Tim Gunn, “Severance” and “The White Lotus”

Posted on February 19, 2025


How’s THAT for a title? As you can see, we had a lot to talk about this week, from the ongoing attempts to erase queer history by the federal government, to the news about the revamped Project Runway and whether we think it’s a mistake not to hire a clearly pissed-off Tim Gunn back to the fold, to a spoiler-filled deep dive on the latest Severance and the premiere of the third season of The White Lotus. Bitches with opinions! That’s us!

Also, Lorenzo has a Netflix recommendation. Thank you for listening!

[Photo Credit: JOHN NACION/startraksphoto.com, TheNews2/Cover Images, Courtesy of Apple TV, Fabio Lovino/HBO]

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