ANTHONY MACKIE has a résumé full of indelible performances: HALF NELSON. 8 MILE. THE HURT LOCKER. He’s been Spike Lee’s muse (twice) and has worked with plenty of greats. With CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD, he’ll lead the MCU’s next decade. So why is recognition just coming now? This digital cover story, “Anthony Mackie Is Captain America Now. How About That?” by Brady Langmann, is on now.
On award nominations: “It’s always apropos for me when awards season comes up. Because I know I’ve done at least four performances that could have been nominated—if not for a Golden Globe, then an Oscar or an Emmy.”
On his performances being overlooked for award nominations: “Captain America is my Oscar. Because I’ve been overlooked so many times in my career.”
His review of Captain America: Brave New World: “It’s literally the best movie it can be. It stays in the lines of Marvel. It stays in the lines of Captain America, and it’s fun and it’s big.”
On the rumors of excessive reshoots on Brave New World: “Every movie that Marvel has made, every movie that DC has made—Star Wars, Star Trek, Disney—has done reshoots.”
On the inevitable comparisons that will be drawn between the Red Hulk and President Trump in Brave New World: “I hope, as a country, we’re tired of all the political jousting. Let’s just go to the movies and chill the f*ck out. We could’ve made this mother*cker yellow and it would’ve been a problem.”
On the expectations of playing Captain America: “The expectations of what comes along with this role is something that nobody talks about. Nobody really acknowledges the mental jousting that takes place. When I walk out of this hotel, I don’t walk out of this hotel as Anthony Mackie. I walk out of this hotel as Captain America.”
More on the expectations of playing Captain America: “It’s a heavy weight to realize people look up to you because how much of yourself do you allow those people to see? You’re not allowed to be human. That’s one thing I can’t wrap my brain around. What is that line?”
On starring in two Spike Lee films in a single year (2004’s Sucker Free City and She Hate Me): “I always tell people I hold the title of being the lead of the two Spike Lee movies nobody saw.”
On the expiration date of his MCU tenure: “I give it a solid ten years. You have the two Avengers movies, you have hopefully another Captain America, and then random plug-and-plays: Oh, Spider-Man! Oh, Fantastic Four! What are you doing here? But you never know. I mean, I don’t want to be a sixty-year-old Captain America.”
[Photo Credit: Alexander Saladrigas for Esquire Magazine]
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