Anne Hathaway on the Set of “We Crashed” in NYC

Posted on June 08, 2021


At first we were all excited to see Miss Annie doing a sidewalk sashay and we were all ready to discuss her rather weirdly off-brand ensemble. But these are actually location shots for the production of the upcoming Apple+ series (because every actress now gets her own limited series on a streaming platform according to the law) We Crashed, which is based on the podcast of the same name about the rise and fall of WeWork. Annie plays WeWork co-founder Rebekah Neumann and Jared Leto will be playing her husband and co-founder Adam Neumann.

Which is great news, because if this WASN’T a costume designed to make a character look annoying, then we’d have to rag on it for being a weird outfit. There’s always a chance that it is a weird outfit, but we can’t imagine why any actress would show up on set in a complete look if she had to change out of it for work.

So yes, this looks like the costume of a character who’s likely to be portrayed in a not particularly flattering manner:





If we’re wrong, we apologize to Miss Hathaway, but girl if you picked out those jeans and paired them with that horrifying top, we can only be as God made us and say that it looks awful. But as a cinematic costume, it’s fantastic and it speaks volumes about the character. No one who wears that top with those jeans onscreen could truly be considered a heroine.

Love the boots and shades, though.




[Photo Credit: Janet Mayer/]

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