Okay, so we’ve been documenting some of J Lo’s diva turns regarding the costumes for this film. And we’ve noted with great appreciation that she has an old-school glamour goddess approach to her films in that they almost always include scenes where she looks sickening. Knowing that, we have to ask…
Does this strike you as J Lo-worthy red carpetry? Her character’s supposed to be a popstar and so far, her costumes have been pretty close to Jennifer’s own style and level of polish. But this looks kind of cheap and borderline tacky to us. Even the leather diaper shorts had more visual appeal.
[Photo Credit: Janet Mayer/Startraksphoto.com, Jose Perez/INSTARimages.com]
Charlize Theron in Dior at the “Bombshell” New York Special Screening Next Post:
Jessica Biel in Prada on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon”
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