Eddie Redmayne at Alexander Wang X H&M Event

Posted on October 17, 2014

Oh, we are SO thrilled Eddie’s got that Stephen Hawking film coming out. Not just because it looks really good (which it does), but because we’re going to be treated to so much of his hilariously goofy, “wide-eyed, open-mouthed, and leaning to one side” style of posing during the accompanying poledance.

Just look at him:


Eddie-Redmayne-Alexander-Wang-H&M-Launch-Event-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (1)PinEddie Redmayne attends the Alexander Wang X H&M Launch in New York City wearing one of the looks from the collection.

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Eddie-Redmayne-Alexander-Wang-H&M-Launch-Event-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (3)Pin

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Eddie-Redmayne-Alexander-Wang-H&M-Launch-Event-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (5)Pin

Bless. Like a deer in headlights. A drunk, pouty-lipped, ginger deer in headlights. Wearing a Cosby sweater.

Oh, this poledance is going to be deliciously awkward, kittens.

P.S.: We actually like the outfit a lot.


[Photo Credit: Getty Images]

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