Karen Gillan in House of Holland at the “Oculus” Photo Op

Posted on March 11, 2014

Okay, this is super adorable.



Karen-Gillan-House-Holland-Oculus-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (1)PinKaren Gillan attends the “Oculus” Photo Op during the 2014 SXSW Music, Film + Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas in House of Holland.

Karen-Gillan-House-Holland-Oculus-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (2)Pin

Karen-Gillan-House-Holland-Oculus-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (3)PinHouse of Holland Pre-Fall 2014 Collection

Karen-Gillan-House-Holland-Oculus-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (4)Pin

Karen-Gillan-House-Holland-Oculus-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (5)Pin

We suddenly can’t wait to see what she does for the poledance when Guardians of the Galaxy comes out.

We are not without our quibbles, however. The sleeves are a skosh too short on her, and when you slap on some bright pink nail polish, the effect is to make her hands look enormous. Despite our strong opinions on too-matchy accessories, we think blue for the nail color would’ve been perfect here. Also: those business-like pumps are all wrong for this. Getchaself some cute Mary Janes, girl. Also, we shouldn’t be able to see your lip liner. From 15 feet away. But your hair’s cute! And that embroidered collar is too precious for words.




[Photo Credit: Amy E. Price/Getty Images, style.com]

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