Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost at the 2024 White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Posted on April 29, 2024


We’ll be honest: we hate the White House Correspondent’s Association Dinner and if we could, we’d skip covering it completely. In fact, for the last several years, we did just that; preferring to let others weigh in on this rather grotesque melange of celebrity, fashion, elected officials, and journalists. After Michelle Obama’s rather singularly stylish tenure as First Lady, we made a commitment to get out of political coverage completely, because we live in very serious times and we hated the idea of treating important people frivolously, no matter how much those important people seek out exactly this kind of attention. We’ve weighed in a few times on image-makers like Hillary or AOC, but for the most part, we’d rather stay far away from covering anyone in Washington D.C. But our recent post about Johnny Depp, as well as a conversation with a journalist about how 18 years of blogging completely obliterated any lingering feeling of imposter syndrome in us, had us realizing that if we continue to pick and choose what we cover, we’re limiting ourselves as fashion and culture critics. We’ll cover the WHCA Dinner, but we think our journalists and politicos shouldn’t be seeking out glamour in their professions and the rather incestuous social scene in D.C. political and journalism circles is a net bad for our society. There. We said it. Now here’s Mr. and Mrs. America:







They look fine. Okay, we’re done here.


Style Credits:
Scarlett Johansson: Armani Privé Strapless Crystal-embellished Gown and Scarf
Colin Jost: Giorgio Armani Tuxedo

[Photo Credit: Ron Sachs/CNP/INSTARimages]

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