Chris “Pop-Pop” Pine at the “I Am the Night” New York Premiere

Posted on January 23, 2019


Kittens, we bet you could use a good strong whiff of Pine right about now. We’re here for you, darlings. The T Lo Self-Care Lounge is open for the day and ready to help you get over your respective humps.

Speaking of which…






A reminder that Chris Pine is a Millennial and not a member of The Greatest Generation.

We have decided that yelling at the Pine for his constant need to dress like a Grampaw is only making us frustrated and not paying him the respect of allowing him to dress as he likes. Go on, Pop-Pop! Button only some of the buttons on your vest! It’s charming and it makes you look like you’re befuddled! Maybe it gets you laid – who knows? We have decided to accept it.

Can we have a butterscotch toffee now? We just know you have some in one – or more likely all – of your pockets.





[Photo Credit: INSTARImages – Video Credit: TNT via]

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