Helen Mirren in at the Berlin International Film Festival’s GOLDA Premiere

Posted on February 21, 2023


Queen Helen of the sovereign nation of Fuckinfantastica has let her hair down.








The dress is just okay. It almost feels like an afterthought. Maybe she knew she was making a statement or maybe she just didn’t care, but Queen Helen made this look all about what’s happening north of the neck. It’s pretty rare to see a woman in her seventies wearing her hair down and long. We think it makes a great, bold statement about our expectations of older women and how they should look. Our only critique of the hair is that we wish it was zhuzhed up or curled a little bit more. As it is, it looks like it just came undone. The earrings are gorgeous, but we don’t think they coordinate with the dress all that well. Something with a black stone would have been more dramatic. She also could’ve used a necklace.



[Photo Credit: Abaca Press/INSTARimages]

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