Jason Momoa at the SEE Season 3 Premiere

Posted on August 24, 2022


We go back and forth on whether Jason Momoa loves red carpets as much as he seems to or he’s just acting like he is because that’s what the job calls for. Or maybe he doesn’t care either way, but he’s just got a real joy-of-life thing going on, which our cold and cynical hearts find incomprehensible. In the end, like our words here, it probably doesn’t matter because you all quickly scrolled down to get your Momoa fix and frankly, we don’t blame you.








Look at him! He thinks it’s a hoot! He wants you to see his cute clutch, killer cocktail ring and fancy mule loafers! What is not to love here? The suit is surprisingly sedate and to be honest, before we noticed the impressive accessorizing, we were ready to bemoan how boring it is. But the more we look at it, the more we like the juxtaposition of his own persona/look, the extremely traditional suit, and the fabulously queer-adjacent styling.



Has anyone ever watched this show? Someone must have for it to have made it to a third season, but we have never read or heard anyone say a thing about it.


[Photo Credit: Robert Smith/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images]

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