Dakota Fanning stops to pose for the ‘gram in the middle of doing press for The First Lady, prompting us to ask, “Is anyone still watching The First Lady?” Not to dismiss Dakota’s press work, but it feels like the conversation surrounding that show abruptly ended within its first couple of weeks. That’s a bit of a shame, because Michelle Pfeiffer’s doing Emmy-worthy work as Betty Ford, with Dakota at her side doing great supporting work as her daughter Susan. Anyway, here’s fashion:
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Thanks, we hate it. What can we say? If it makes her happy, great, but we don’t like the design or the style. The top half works but the skirt is giving granny’s nightgown. It would be vastly improved on her if it was in any color at all.
Style Credits:
– Alessandra Rich Dress from the Spring 2022 Collection
– Loewe ‘Soap‘ Sandal
Styled by Samantha McMillen | Hair by Jenda Alcorn | Makeup by Erin Ayanian Monroe
[Photo Credit: Samantha McMillen/Instagram/@samanthamcmillen_stylist, Courtesy of Alessandra Rich, loewe.com]
Ewan McGregor, Moses Ingram and Hayden Christensen at OBI-WAN KENOBI London Photocall Next Post:
Aliétte Fall 2022 Collection
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