Lorenzo sometimes hits on better, more apt phrasing than Tom could ever dream up and when these shots swam into our collective view, he muttered the phrase we just can’t shake now; the only thing we can think of when we look at these shots.
“Just look at this dork.”
We have to laugh. While we think Kim is far more in on the joke than most people realize, she really is such a complete dork when it comes to fashion. She’s working a whole “full coverage in black” thing of late and we’re all for a gal working her way through her feelings using fashion as her tool of expression. If she wants to go all shroudy and nun-like at this time, we honestly think it’s an interesting choice from the world’s most accomplished attention-seeker.
But yes, this is just completely goofy and she looks ridiculous in it. A reminder that the temperatures in New York hovered between 60 and 70 yesterday; in other words, roughly the temperature range she lives in year-round. We’ve said it before: She seems to think high fashion is supposed to be as uncomfortable as possible; as if you can’t look your best without suffering. We’ll leave it to others to unpack why she thinks that way, but as we said earlier this week, it feels like a form of justification. “I’m famous because look how hard I work to be famous” sort of thing. A lot of her mystique would have evaporated by now if she just dressed like a Real Housewife or Paris Hilton.
Style Credits:
– Balenciaga Black Ensemble
– Balenciaga Knife Boots
[Photo Credit: Janet Mayer/Startraksphoto.com]
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