Pop Style Opinionfest: Queer Erotic History, Sex Work, and Why Pride Must Be Horny on Main

Posted on June 04, 2021


For this week’s PRIDE-themed podcast, your manly hosts are getting a little sexy with it. As we used to say in the podcast promos, “Strap yourselves in, darlings.”

The point to this diversion is the recent attempt to mount another annual “proper comportment at Pride” argument, some of which we outlined and responded to in our last newsletter. It’s honestly kind of a pain in the ass to have to deal with this tiresome-ass conversation about how sexy Pride is allowed to be, but we opted to take the opportunity to look at how Pride as a social event intersects with those parts of our shared queer cultural history specifically devoted to sexual expression; the nascent pornographers and the sex workers on the front line of abuse who fought back against oppression first.

We’re particularly passionate about this subject because it has informed our entire gay existence and because we devoted a significant portion of our book to discussing the importance of queer erotica and the bravery of queer sex workers. We wouldn’t be a community without them and Pride should never be stripped of its sexual undertones.

PLUS, Lorenzo gets to go off on one of his favorite hobbies, collecting the mid-Century physique magazine work of Bob Mizer, who literally formed a community around shared sexual impulses. All of the mags in the above picture are from Lorenzo’s collection. What can we say? Your boy loves a well-filled posing pouch. Please note Tab Hunter on the cover of Tomorrow’s Man all the way on the right.



So dive in and get sexy with us, darlings! And thank you for your support, as always.


[Photo Credit: Tom and Lorenzo]

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