Emmy Rossum IS “Angelyne” – To Our Surprise, To Be Honest

Posted on April 20, 2020


We didn’t know what to think when we heard the news of this one, but boy did this trailer make us a couple of believers:




Tom lived in L.A. for a time in the early ’90s and there really is only one image that comes to mind when he recollects that period:



She’s way more of a west coast figure than a national one – not to mention a product from a time long gone – so we wonder how much interest there is in this project, but we can’t wait for it. Angelyne is a fascinating figure with an interesting back story whose life makes some worthy points about the time in which she lived as well as why she made the choices she did. One thing we believe very strongly after writing our  book is that history isn’t just about great people doing world-changing things. Sometimes it’s about weirdos finding a way to thrive in a system that keeps knocking them down. She’s often held up as the proto-Kardashian figure and there’s some small truth to that, but what she really was, in practically every sense of the term, was a drag queen. She used drag techniques and the stylized performance of femininity to transform herself, to escape her life, and to ultimately become her own brand and product. How is that NOT a drag queen?

We also love that she’s being paid the respect (something she absolutely never got in her life) of being included in the project and celebrated by the people involved.



We honestly just love that. We don’t feel there’s a bit of mocking or condescension in it and we hope she held out for a shit-ton of money. Kudos to Emmy, who looks so much like her in drag it’s actually kind of shocking:









Can’t wait.


[Stills: Peacock/NBC via Tom and Lorenzo – Video Credit: ONE Media via YouTube.com]

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