Tony Awards 2024: “Appropriate” Star Elle Fanning in Saint Laurent: IN or OUT?

Posted on June 17, 2024


For her first Tony Awards ceremony, Appropriate star Elle Fanning took things very seriously.







Super seriously, one might say. The ladytux sans shirt is a classic look, especially when you finish it off with black pumps and a slash of red across the lips. She looks sophisticated and mature; miles away from the princess looks that defined her style for years. But we won’t claim this is perfect. The fit is off throughout the suit and while the lip looks great, the rest of her makeup is a bit ageing. We spent years wondering when she’d ditch the princess looks completely, but we’re not convinced that this sort of low-key classic chic style is the best one for her. You make the call:

Elle Fanning’s Classic Saint Laurent:

IN or OUT? 


Style Credits:
Saint Laurent Black Ensemble
Styled by Samantha McMillen

[Photo Credit: Nina Westervelt/CBS, Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions, Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions, Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions ]

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